National Spouse Day – Those Unique Moments

Good morning, everyone! It’s Matt. Today is National Spouse Day and I thought it would be a cool opportunity to share a few things about us. As you most likely already know, Olivia and I have been together for a long time, since 2006 in fact. So we know pretty much everything about one another. There are certain things Olivia likes and things she doesn’t like (i.e. surprises). So naturally, I surprise her every now and then, this post being one of them.

Today, I am sharing a few of my favorite moments with Olivia over the years and some super old school photos of us. Some of these were taken with my old Palm Treo phone. Yes, a Palm Treo. I’m aging myself here.  It’s always a lot of fun to go back through old photos and see how much changes over the years. These moments I chose are in no particular order nor are they typical milestones/life events. Our marriage and the birth of Sebastian are of course the best days of my life. These moments are ones that just stick out for whatever reason. Maybe defining moments for me at the time that have stuck with me. They are just special.

Moment #1 – The Hike

It was a spring day back in 2011. This was back when Olivia lived in San Francisco. One Saturday we decided to drive up north over Golden Gate to go hiking at Pt. Reyes National Seashore. It was our first time there and just a perfect slightly overcast day. We wanted to get out to the ocean so we took the long hike from where we parked. It was a trek about 6 miles out and then another 6 miles back. The journey out to the ocean was tough but a lot of fun. I remember everything that day seemed vibrant even with the overcast. The moss on the trees was almost a neon green and the water was a crystal clear blue surrounded by a glowing dark blue.

As we started to approach the cliffs to look out over the ocean, we both glanced at each other with that look of realizing how cool this was. Walking along the cliff’s edge as it just drops off into the Pacific Ocean and gazing back at the bright green forest all along the coast. The setting was epic. I remember just stopping for a second, looking at Olivia and just thinking to myself how lucky I am and how lucky we were to be having this moment together. It was a great day.

Moment #2 – The NYC Moment

We were Still in San Francisco. I had just gotten home from work and had started to get ready for dinner when Olivia walked in with a bottle of champagne. I probably should have known why she had the bottle but I was clueless at the time. She told me she got the promotion in NYC and that we should go for it. I, of course, said yes. Now, this is a huge moment. Olivia had wanted to move to NYC since the day I met her and I had always wanted to experience living in Manhattan. However, the reason I loved this moment so much because of just how happy, proud, and excited Olivia was. I love seeing her in those moments, where she is completely happy or as complete as you can possibly be. I will never forget the look on her face as she told me.

Moment #3 – The Bulldog

We got Batman! The whole process was my favorite. From Olivia saying that she found us a French Bulldog, to seeing Batman for the first time over Facetime, to trying to get him to potty trained. Sharing those moments with Olivia and adding Batman to our family was really cool. The good times, the hard times, and the unconditional love that comes with all of it.

Have a great day! Thanks for reading and hope you liked the old photos. Happy National Spouse Day!

– Matt

Gifts For Her

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  1. Jandrew wrote:

    What a beautiful post.?
    Dress The Part

    Posted 1.26.18 · Reply
  2. Ewa wrote:

    love this post, so simple and beautiful

    Posted 1.26.18 · Reply

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