So…Am I Going Back To Work?
Some of you might have noticed over the weekend that I changed my Instagram name to OliviaJeanette_. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’ll be making some exciting changes to Corporate Catwalk over the next few months. The name change stems from wanting to better align with my everyday life and the content we are sharing both on the blog and on Instagram. Over the last year, corporate life hasn’t been a focus of mine and I haven’t posted a great deal of outfit inspiration for corporate style, which was due to the shift to more lifestyle content. While the blog’s focus will be around documenting our everyday lives here in New York City, I will still feature corporate style as it is still a part of who I am and outfits that I love to wear.
Around the time I found out I was pregnant, I decided to leave my corporate job. It was a very difficult decision as it’s what I have done for the past 8 years. I admired the company I worked for and truly enjoyed the work. However, the blog afforded me a way to step away for a while and explore my passion. Furthermore, it gave me the luxury of focusing on me and taking care of myself during my pregnancy. The day I made the decision to myself to leave, I told Matt what I was thinking and he was 100% behind me. He is the best and it allowed both of us to spend more time with each other in preparation for Sebastian’s arrival.

Now that Sebastian has arrived, I have been asked quite a bit about what’s next. Will I go back to work? If you do, will you continue to blog? When I originally started Corporate Catwalk in San Francisco, it was an outlet from my corporate job. A way for me to be creative and have an peek into the fashion world. My original plan was to start the blog as a hobby and eventually grow it into something that would give me the leverage to leave my corporate job if I got pregnant or decided to start my own company. Well, it did and I am so thankful that I decided to start and keep Corporate Catwalk going. I have loved seeing how it has evolved and excited for what’s to come. That being said, I am planning on going back to work in late spring. As much as I love being home and working full time on the blog, I do miss the corporate world and getting back to the office. It is certainly not an easy decision because I know I’m going to miss being with Sebastian all day long. As the day gets closer, who knows, I may decide to stay home. Regardless of what happens, I know we will make the right decision and will work out great.
So, as of now, the plan is to head back sometime in April. Most working Moms, I would assume go through the inner struggle of going back to work or staying home. I know those first few weeks are going to be super hard leaving Sebastian. It brings tears to my eyes right now thinking about it. I think about all the things I could potentially miss. His first steps, first word and all the funny faces he makes as he discovers the world. It is going to play in mind over and over…did I make the right decision. Till then, at least I have time to think more and perhaps change my mind.
Thanks again for all my readers who have followed my journey from the beginning. Would love to hear how other women have dealt with this question in your life. I know it’s not the easiest decision, but certainly look forward to the next chapter in my life.

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xo, Olivia
Such a real and honest post, I love it Olivia!
As a fan and reader of Corporate Catwalk and a real life friend of Olivia (and Matt and Sebastian) I couldn’t be more excited for you! You’re a mommy now and from this day forward, no decision will be just about you and no decision will be easy. In internal struggle of “should you go back to work or not” is one I think most (is not all) mamas struggle with, at one point or another… I know I have. There is no right or wrong decision and only YOU will know what is best for YOUR family.
And as a girl who works in the tech industry, I know you know this… but be thankful we live in a day and age, that you CAN go back to work and NOT miss a thing, thanks to photos, video, FaceTime and whatnot =) I support you either way and I fully support the new direction your brand is moving in! I can’t wait to see what’s next for Olivia Jeanette! xxo
Thanks Fallon! It’s an exciting world to be a part of, that’s for sure! Thank you so much for all your support during this journey. You’ve been such an important part of this next chapter in my life!
AND yes! Thank goodness for technology. I just need him to wear a little camera so I can see him ALL The Time!
xo, Olivia
I loved reading this post, Olivia! I admire you for all of the work you’ve done and also your decision to get back into the corporate world! It’s going to be fun to watch you manage being a mommy, blogger, and a corporate gal – I’m all about it! It’s so inspiring and I’m so happy for you!
Pink Champagne Problems
Hi Dana! Thank yo so much and appreciate all your kind words. It’s certainly going to be interesting to juggle so many things as once, but they’re all things I love and I’m passionate about in life.
Wishing you the very best and hope to see you soon! xo, Olivia
This is the hardest decision for a mom and I can totally relate. My daughter will be 1 in a couple of weeks and I left my corporate job a little over a year ago. I loved my job and what I did and I truly miss it. But being with her and being able to stay at home with her is truly a gift. In time you will make the right decision for you and your family. In the meantime, enjoy every moment with your little one. Time goes by so fast.
Hi Barb, well first, happy early birthday to your little one!! What an exciting time!
Oh I couldn’t agree more. It’s a tough question for any woman. I keep thinking April is a long way away, but it’s right around the corner! I’d love to stay home with him. I imagine if I didn’t live in NYC, I’d stay home without a question.
Thank you so much for your kind words and stopping by! If you have any words of wisdom, please feel free to share, anytime!!
xo, Olivia
Olivia! I just love how real, open and honest this is. You are really blessed to have such a choice in life and you are right to take full advantage of it. If I was in your shoes I would miss the corporate world, too! I can’t wait to see more blog posts from you!
Oh thank you so much! It got me reenergized to go back to work. It’s been really awesome to hear from all the amazing women who have given me so much encouragement. Thanks for the comment and stopping by.
xo, Olivia
Congratulations on your beautiful new baby boy! Enjoy the next few months with him, these are precious days. As a working mom of 2 (I am a banker with 2 little girls under the age of 3), it is a constant balancing act but so incredibly worthwhile. Selfishly I hope you do go back to work because I love having more working moms out there in the world. It is nice that you potentially have a choice, as many women do not. I’m sure you will make the right decision for you….good luck, and know that while some days are hard, coming home at the end of the work day will make your time with Sebastian all the more incredible! Best wishes from a supportive fellow mom
PS I hope you do keep up the corporate style content – there is such a lack of corporate style blogs out there! I have searched high and low. Lifestyle blogs are wonderful (and great for my weekend wardrobe!), but for us gals who live in business attire, it is so so nice to have an idea book like Corporate Catwalk 🙂
Hi Meredith, I truly admire you. That’s incredible. I think I should be asking you for tips!! Hopefully in a few years I’ll be blessed with another little angel.
I’ll be sure to keep my blog content similar to how it is now, but more babies, pets (Batman & Pfeiffer) and beauty posts! At the end of the day, I loooove to talk about business and I could NEVER pass up a good blazer. Don’t worry, I won’t let you down! Thank you so much for taking your time (I know you’re busy) to read the post and leave a comment!
xo, Olivia
Great post. My son is 14 and I still struggle with this. I homeschool him and tried to get a job once but was so distracted I didn’t keep it. I’m working on my Master’s now so maybe by the time he graduates high school, I’ll be ready for work. Any choice you make will be the right one. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts! Good luck!
Hi Delaine, that’s an incredible story! Good for you for being home with your son. I think that’s a good plan! Four years will go by FAST. You’ll most likely feel ready to turn to start a new chapter in your life after he graduates.
Thank you for taking the time to read the post and share your experience! I’m excited to see what’s next! xo, Olivia
What a hard decision to make. I’m sure you will make the right choice when time comes! Congratulations on your baby boy! xo
Luci’s Morsels | fashion. food. frivolity.
Thank you so much! Lots of loving on Sebastian right now!
i left one job and pitched myself hard to another company in the late stages of my pregnancy. something about preparing to be a mom gave me major clarity into what would and would not work for my family. my daughter started full-time daycare at 9 weeks and i dove head-first into a new role. it was challenging, but worth it. she has done amazing at school (now 2.5 and thriving) and my career has skyrocketed. not saying that’s the right call for everyone – but hopefully positive stories of all varieties will bring peace of mind 🙂 good luck, and remember that you are already an amazing mom for weighing these options as seriously as you are! xxx
Love your decision of going back to the corporate world! I admire you so much for being a full time blogger, corporate worker and mommy. I wish you all the best 🙂