5 Ways to Save Money While Planning a Wedding

5 Ways to Save Money while Planning a wedding

Hello everyone! We’re in Mexico enjoying breakfast on the beach. I’m looking forward to sharing more photos of our trip. It’s truly paradise. I’ll be posting more photos on Instagram
In the last eleven months I’ve learned a few ways to save money while having the wedding of my dreams. Here are five ways to save money while planning your wedding. 
– what are the five “must haves” for your wedding? Write them down and talk
to your family and your fiancé about these “must haves”. What can you really
live without? For example, my dress, the photographer, food, location and bride
transportation were important to me. My flowers, veil, wedding favors,
invitations and wedding parties were not top priority for me or my fiancé.
Throughout the planning, we made the decision to save on certain parts of the
wedding, which got us to stay within our budget. Which moves me on to my next
Set Budget
& Stick To It
– as a bride, we can get overly zealous about wedding
planning and wanting everything is perfect, while our fiancé is more realistic
about spending and saving. In most cases, allocating a budget, even with a
little cushion will allow you to have a beautiful wedding. Plus, this will show
your fiancé that you’re good with money!
Create a Direct
– create a joint account between you and your fiancé. Both agree to
a set amount to allocate every paycheck. Mark the debit cards with WEDDING and
only use the money in the account for wedding related expense. You will be
surprised how quickly money accumulates!
DIY Parts
of Your Wedding
– can you make your own ceremony programs and name cards and
save $200? Probably. I was brave and decided to do my own flowers, which saved
us thousands of dollars! That money that I would have use for flowers, I can
now redecorate my kitchen…without the guilt.

Sell Old
to Buy New
– I’m a huge advocate on selling things in your closet to buy
something new. By selling old bags, shoes, skirts and shirts I was able to buy
the designer shoes for my wedding and dresses for our wedding weekend.    

1 Comment

  1. Great tips for saving money while planning! These practical ideas can really help make wedding planning more affordable without sacrificing style.

    Posted 12.30.24 · Reply

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