Our Last Merry Christmas as a Family of Three

Merry Christmas to all of you who have been following along this year and the many years prior! As many of you already know, our family of three will be a family of four in just a few short months. It wasn’t till just recently that those emotions started to really hit me hard. This morning as we watched Sebastian open his gifts, it dawned on me that next year he’ll be sharing the spotlight. I’m not necessarily “sad”, but it’s more of an emotion of change that’s making me feel this way.

As a small family, we’ve had so many beautiful memories together. We have traveled the world, moved apartments,  make our own pasta, and everything in between. These moments have been amazing to experience with Sebastian. Even though he won’t remember everything, we will and we’ll get to share it with him later. It gets me wondering about how our memories are going to change and it’s no longer going to be just us and Sebastian.

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It is that wonder that gets us so excited about having a baby at home again. The smells, the sounds, the feelings. We can’t wait. Sebastian is going to love being the big brother and seeing him in that role is something I truly can’t wait to experience. Already planning next Christmas!! How were your emotions when you went from your first to second? Would love to hear some different perspectives.

Thanks as always for reading.

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!

xo, Olivia

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1 Comment

  1. Amanda wrote:

    Not gonna lie, at first it was SO HARD! I felt so torn, wanting to bond with baby but also ensuring big brother knew he was still just as important as always. My daughter is now almost 1.5 years (brother is a little over 3 years) and they are sooo cute together. He is always trying to ‘teach’ her things and she loves being around him. It’s amazing. Still hard as **** – but the loving moments make it so worth it!

    Posted 12.26.19 · Reply

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