Office Gadgets at Corporate Catwalk

My team is all about the gadgets in our office. We have some really fun gadgets around the office that we wanted to share with you because we love them! With a wide range of products from chargers for our wireless products (they’re pink to match our office) to our Dyson vacuum, here are our favorite gadgets for the office!

Dyson Products

We have a wide range of Dyson products in our office because they work so well. My personal favorite is the Dyson hair dryer and curling wand. I use it almost everyday and it gives my hair nice additional volume. You can see my full review of it here.

I also love their vacuum. In our office, we have white floors so every single thing that gets on the floor, shows up. My team actually loves vacuuming with the Dyson Cordless Vacuum and you definitely get your bang for your buck. It is really the best vacuum I’ve used and I highly recommend trying it out.

We also have this light from Dyson and they look really cool and sleek on desks. The light itself is light sensitive so when it is on, it changes based on how much sunlight is coming into the room. You can also manually adjust how cool or warm the light is with a sensor on the top of the lamp. It feels very futuristic which my team and myself love.

The last Dyson product that we have in office is the Air Purifier. We keep it in our conference room because it can get stuffy when the air conditioner isn’t running. It’s a great way to add circulation to any room that lacks it.


Our whole team LOVES our Nespresso machine. Everyone on our team needs a cup of coffee to start their day and the Nespresso machine makes it easy and efficient to make coffee. The size that we have fits perfectly on our drink cart but they offer smaller sizes if ours is too big for your taste.

Water Filter

Buying a whole water filter can be expensive and take up a ton of space in your office. We found this great water filter on Amazon so that we didn’t have to invest in a whole piece of equipment. All we had to do was charge it and stick it on top of our jug of water! It works great and is very cost effective!

Courant Wireless Chargers

If you have the latest iPhone technology and can charge wirelessly, these are a must have. We have four, one big tray and three small ones that sit perfectly on our desk. I hate the way that cords look on desks and these help minimize the amount of cords needed, which keeps both me and my team sane.

What gadgets are your must haves for the office?

xo, Olivia

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  1. Victoria wrote:

    I love getting new gadgets and the first one on my list is the Dyson vacuum. Never in my life did I think I would get so much joy from a vacuum, but it’s officially happened. My mom has one and I want it so bad, I’ve got a savings account set up for it because its so pricey! One day I’ll have my Dyson LOL!
    xx Victoria

    Posted 7.14.19 · Reply
  2. Sydney wrote:

    That charging pad is sooooo sleek Olivia! I love it!

    Posted 7.17.19 · Reply

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