30 Day Workplace Challenge Week 1
The start of a new year inspires people to make changes in their lives. I decided January is the month to get down to business in the workplace. Today I’m launching the start of a month-long series that will center around furthering your career and professional development. Motivation can be a powerful thing but it can wane with time. It’s important to have a plan in place. I’ve found that breaking my larger goals into smaller ones with timeframes in place has played a large role in my successes.
To help you along the way there will be weekly challenges and check-ins with some fun surprises along the way. 2018 is the year you take your career to new heights.

The Challenge
At the start of each week check the blog for the challenge. It will also be announced on social media as well so be sure to follow me on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Check-in with your daily progress using #corporatecatwalk.
Week 1
The first week is all about making small tweaks to start building a stronger network at your workplace. This is where you will learn, grow, and advance your career. It’s crucial to have a strong support network.
Day 1: Wednesday, January 3rd
Jump off of Instagram and go to LinkedIn. If you don’t currently have an account sign up for one here. It’s free to join and easy to use. Connect with at least 5 new people, ideally people you have a good relationship with at work. To take it a step further, ask one of them to write you a reference on your page. Continue to build your network on LinkedIn. It’s important to know when people get promotions, join a new company or start something new. You just never know who will be your next boss…build bridges.
You can also find Team Corporate Catwalk on LinkedIn. Follow us here. You must be logged into LinkedIn.
Day 2: Thursday, January 4th
Introduce yourself to someone who recently started at the workplace or industry. Starting a new job is scary, put them at ease and introduce yourself and ask them if they have any questions.
Day 3: Friday, January 5th
Get a mentor. This is a big one, but start thinking about people who you look up to at the workplace and ask them to mentor you. It can be as simple as swinging by their office once a month or you can create something more formal.
Day 4: Saturday, January 6th
This is a little less about networking, but write down where you’d like to be in 5 years. Set the goals high. If someone has the role you aspire to be in, put it on your calendar to introduce yourself to them next week.
I use to do this all the time. I’d introduce myself to Executives, but I made sure I was at the top of my game and had “my pitch” down (Executives will always ask).
Day 5: Sunday, January 7th
I know it’s Sunday, but you typically know what’s going on at work the following week. Make plans to join an after-work activity. Just do it. I know you’re busy, we all are. These types of activities are an important part of the job. You never know who will be there…
Ready Set Go!
All of these challenges won’t take too much time out of your schedule but they will make a difference in your career. You have to lay the foundation now for the changes you want to see later. I truly was inspired by the stories you shared with me last month about the promotions and raises you received in 2017. I expect to see great things from you all in 2018. Can’t wait to read and share your stories.
Here’s what I’m thinking for the rest of the month…
- ABCs of Negotiating
- Navigating the Politics of the Workplace
- Finding Your Voice at Work
Good things come to those that work for it and who knows what will be coming your way. Keep an eye on your DMs for special surprises.
xo, Olivia
yessss love this! I don’t work a 9-5 but will definitely try a few of these this week in the blogging world
I need to get my butt back on LinkedIn and love the idea of introducing myself to a new face in the business – who wouldn’t love a coffee date!!
Lauren Elyce
Hi i am unable to get your linked link. It says the pagr is not found!
Hi Saba, you need to be logged into LinkedIn.
xo, Olivia
I love this idea and am so excited to participate! I already added my five LinkedIn connections for today!
I love this challenge! SO excited to participate!
Love this week’s challenge, looking forward to next week’s. Thanks Olivia. Cheers,
Love this week’s challenge, looking forward to next week’s. Thanks Olivia. Cheers,
Like it a lot!as I think of your tips there is something to it, I dealt with my current boss in the past couple times, just did my job properly, plus went to networking event she invited me to and would never guess she would be the woman who is my boss now, it paid off!wven though it wasnt strategical approach or anything