Travel Essentials and Tips When Flying with a Baby
Getting this little guy ready to go on a trip can be pretty easy. He loves helping out! Well, he likes to grab everything out of the suitcase and throw it back on the bed. It’s pretty funny. The biggest issue we have when packing for Sebastian is trying to remember all the baby essentials (check out our other baby essentials here)! There is always something we forget, but it’s typically not a problem. Wherever you go, there’s likely a pharmacy or shop that has everything you need.
Sebastian is now a veteran of the friendly skies, as he has already been on six trips with us. All the flights have been very smooth sailing except for this last one. He is now starting to teeth pretty bad so it adds a not so great element to it. I had to take a later flight home so Matt was alone with Sebastian and Batman. He is still pretty dependent on me to fall asleep so without me on the plane, he wasn’t too happy and let everyone on the plane know for a good thirty minutes. Poor Matt!
He got through it and he slept the remaining portion of the flight. This was the also my first flight without him. It’s so tough being away from him. Today, I wanted to share with you some of the most important things we take with us for Sebastian and also a few tips on traveling with your little one. Let us know any unique items you always pack away for your trip and if you have any tips to share. Thanks so much!!

Baby Travel Checklist
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Changing Pad
- Formula
- Water
- Extra Bottle
- Blanket
- Extra Set of Clothes
- Plastic Bag
- Hand Sanitizer
- Paper Towels
- Favorite Toys
- Favorite Book
- Any & All Medicine
- Medicine Dispenser

Five Essentials In Sebastian’s Bag
1. Skip-Hop Pronto Changing Station
Lifesaver. Fits perfectly in my ‘diaper bag’ and allows us to change him anywhere. It holds a 5-6 diapers and a bag of wipes and clips closed. It really makes changing him on the plane super easy.
2. Sophie the Giraffe
Far and away, his favorite toy. He can grip it easily and it’s a perfect chew toy. He hates pacifiers so this works great!
3. Mustella Face Wipes
Sebastian is drooling like crazy now and like most kids, is really messy when eating. I always have these wipes with me. They smell good and keep his face in presentable condition
4. Munch Baby Munch Mitt
This thing is genius. You just slide it on his hand and he just chews away. Great occupier of his time.
5. Punkin Butt Teething Oil & Baby Banana
The magic sauce. We dip the banana in the oil and rub it on his gums. It keeps the pain away. Well, at least temporarily. The banana toy is great for chewing on as well when he gets sick of his Munch Mitt and Sophie.
Baby Favorites

Five Flying Tips With Little One
1. Extra Set Of Clothes and Ziplock Bags
On more than one occasion, Sebastian has had a blow out and we didn’t have another set of clothes for him with us on the plane. That’s the worse case scenario when flying with a baby. We had to wash his clothes and wrap him in a blanket the rest of the flight. Remember to throw an extra onesie and a ziplock bag in your purse! The Boody Baby gets five stars in my book (he’s wearing the long sleeve onesie). The material is lightweight and the bamboo yarn allows for easy cooling. It’s especially good for traveling.
2. Bottle During Takeoff & Landing
To keep his ears from popping, we give him a bottle during takeoff and landing (read about our favorite bottles here). Since he won’t take a pacifier, we have to have a bottle ready. Stubborn little nugget.
3. Bring the stroller
One of the most common questions I get on traveling with a baby is, “Should I bring my stroller?” My answer is, YES! The first few flights we checked his stroller and it was painful. On the third flight we brought the stroller to the gate and it was a lot easier. With most flights, families traveling with small children have the option to board before everyone else. We drop off the stroller along with his car seat at the end of the tunnel before getting on the plane. However, if we buy Sebastian a seat, we will keep the car seat with us on the plane. After the flight we have to wait just a couple minutes to grab the stroller and can stroll him out and put our luggage underneath him. It’s worth it, especially now that he’s more mobile.
4. Buy An Extra Seat
Now, I realize this isn’t always possible, but if you get a good deal on your flight, it’s 100% worth it. This is especially true for long flights, particularly overseas. The extra room makes all the difference. Sebastian can sit in his car seat next to us and we can relax and/or get some work done while he sleeps.
5. Bring all the baby stuff on the plane
I’d highly recommend bringing all the baby’s stuff on the flight. As we all know, suitcases can get lost while traveling and the last thing you want is to go without diapers, wipes or formula. We always take Sebastian’s stuff on the plane and will check our bags if necessary. We can both go without clothes, makeup and anything else since they are easy to pick-up wherever we happen to be. Sebastian cannot. In general, I’d say only bring the bare necessities and check your bags. The less things you have to keep track of and worry about on the flight, the better you’ll be in the long run.

Don’t forget to pack in suitcase!
- Breast Pump
- Feeding Spoon
- Bib
- Sunscreen
- Baby Wash & Lotion
- Diaper Rash Cream
- Hair Brush
- 2 Outfits Per Day
- Hat, Shoes & Socks
- Baby Monitor
- Baby Carrier
- Backseat Mirror for Car
Baby Travel Essentials
***Updated since originally posted***
After flying with both Sebastian and Batman, on my own, I’ve learned a few more things…
Bring snacks for you and baby. I didn’t have the chance to grab food for either of us while I was with Sebastian and Batman. I parked my stroller and waited for our flight to take off. We had a 3 hour delay, so it was a long day for everyone. I did ask the flight attendant for a few extra goodies as Sebastian was asleep in my arms.
S’well Bottle
Empty a swell bottle and pack it in your bag. You don’t have to worry about security asking you a million questions and you don’t have to make an extra stop at the store to buy water. Most airports seem to have filtered water available to refill your water bottle. I refilled the bottle for him to have sips of water, fill up his bottle with formula and take a few sips for myself. He loves drinking out of the big people cups!
Oversized Cardigan
This was a LIFESAVER on the flight! I turned around the cardigan and used it as a cover while breastfeeding. It also kept both of us warm during the flight. I’m not really comfortable nursing Sebastian without any cover particularly on a flight. The cardigan works perfectly to coverup and keep him cuddled in mama’s arms.
Ask for help
I was amazed how most people didn’t offer to help while I was struggling with all my bags, Sebastian and Batman. It was actually really disappointing. Moving forward, I’m going to outwardly ask people for help. Sometimes I think people don’t know to offer help, but I won’t make that mistake again. I needed an extra hand a few times and I should’ve just asked those around me. They looked like they wanted to lend a hand. Maybe I looked too stressed out for them to offer?!
My last piece of advice for traveling with a baby is to be nice to anyone and everyone. I understand not everyone will be nice to you, but “kill em with kindness” is the best attitude to have when traveling with a little one. After you’ve arrived at your destination, give your self a pat on the back, good job ma’ma (and pa’pa)!
Hope the tips are helpful!
xo, Olivia
Hi Olivia – I have a 9 month old and really love your posts. Could you provide the brand of the tumbling toy/rainmaker you photographed in your suitcase? Thanks!
Hi. Here is a link to the rainmaker.
Thanks so much for following along. Congratulations on your little one! Sebastian turns 8mo in a couple months! Time is flying.