Balancing Family And Friends In Our Busy World


Balancing family and friends busy women Central park red floral dress casual outfit french bulldog fashion blogger lifestyle blogger new york city NYC blogger

The modern day woman is always busy. We’re juggling work, relationships, family, friends, fitness, sleep, and so much more! Some days it feels like we’re drowning and dropping the ball all too often.

How in the world are we all this busy? We are constantly juggling a million things and are left feeling un-fulfilled as we simply don’t have enough time. It can be terribly difficult to stay organized and finding the necessary time to spend time with those we love the most, our family and friends. Furthermore, when we do make the time, appreciating the moment and staying present. It’s very challenging but I try my hardest to make myself, family, and friends at the top of my priorities and then build everything else around it.

One of my closest friends asked me the other day, “Are you still going to hang out when the baby arrives?” It’s a valid question. Matt and I will have another commitment and less time on our hands. My heart sank a little, because I knew that if she was thinking this, some of my other friends would be thinking the same thing. This is life. We are always re-organizing and re-prioritizing our time.

Today, I’m sharing a few of the ways that I manage my time between family and friends. Would love to hear yours!

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Balancing family and friends busy women Central park red floral dress casual outfit french bulldog fashion blogger lifestyle blogger new york city NYC blogger5


Just 5 more minutes

I know this sounds cheesy, but my marriage is the most important job I have. When I was working full-time and blogging full-time, this is what suffered most in my life. We could probably all agree, relationships take a lot of TLC. That’s why it’s hard to argue when someone says they want to spend time with their significant other opposed to doing XYZ. I have no idea what’s going on in their life, so that extra time could mean a lot to that relationship. Anyways, I do my best to spend as much time with Matt as possible. He does as well. I’m lucky because we’re both independent and enjoy our personal space. The weekend mornings are sacred in our life. We typically spend a few extra moments cuddling with the animals and just spending time with each other.

Dinner at the Dinner Table + No Digital Devices

This goes back to my parents. We ate dinner together every night at the dinner table. My dad would turn the TV off and no hats and no distractions. We sat down together and talked. It’s something we’ve implemented in our home. We sometimes need reminders, but it’s a good way to sit down and unwind with our family without distractions. Batman joins us for each meal and by joins, he sits adorably by one of us and stares until he gets something. It’s adorable!

Get them on Social Media

As for my family back in Kansas City, Missouri, it’s f course difficult to spend face-to-face with them, but I try to call and text as much as possible. Also, anytime I’m back in Kansas City, I download the latest social media app on my parent’s phone. Granted it’s a 50% hit rate, but at least I tried. I remember teaching them how to text a few years ago. Maybe in a few years they’ll start to use Instagram and Snapchat! 🙂 We’re all on social media and it helps us stay in touch and them stay connected with what’s happening in our lives. Of course, I keep my content PG13 and appropriate, but it’s an easy way to let them know whats going on out here.

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Balancing family and friends busy women Central park red floral dress casual outfit french bulldog fashion blogger lifestyle blogger new york city NYC blogger4
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Random texts. My friend lives in Utah and she’s a photographer, so anytime I get a chance to ask her a question about photography, I do it. It’s just a chance to connect and keep in touch. The conversation usually turns into an hour long texting session, while I’m working late at night, but it’s a great way to stay engaged with your far away friends.


Another girlfriend and I keep in touch via Facetime. She lives in Northern California and before that London, so we’re always apart. We will randomly text each other, start talking, and one of us will say “Facetime???” Typically if you’re texting someone for 30 minutes on a Sunday morning, you’re probably still in your pajamas. It’s the perfect time to catch up with them and their silly stories.

Spa Date

This is one of the easiest way for me to see my friends. We schedule mani/pedis together. My one girlfriend has probably traveled around the world and back…twice, so she’s always on the go. Finding valuable time with her isn’t always easy, so we’ve found that random spa dates work great. Anytime I need a facial, I’ll text a few of my friends and see if anyone would like to join me. Granted, I only see them for a few minutes before the facial, it’s the point of getting together and seeing each other.

At Home Cookie or Wine Date 

My friends truly know the key to my heart, food and wine. My friends will randomly text me and ask if I want to join them for a glass of wine on their balcony or take-out to catch up. I rarely say no and do the same at our place. How do you say no to free food and wine?!? I’ve found this to work because I’m able to head over later in the night and stay a little later. Right after working hours is a tough time to commit to anything, so I’ve found doing something really low key around 8pm works for our schedules. The only negative, I’m home around 11pm. It’s always worth it, I just can’t have too much planned the next morning.

We all the same amount hours in our day and while it can seem at times that we can’t do something, it’s up to us to make it work. A little planning, delegation, and re-aligning priorities can go a long way. Always make time for yourself! You will be happier and it help with all the other parts of our lives. Would love to hear some of the ways you manage your busy schedule with your family and friends. Thanks for reading and have a great rest of your week!!

Balancing family and friends busy women Central park red floral dress casual outfit french bulldog fashion blogger lifestyle blogger new york city NYC bloggerBalancing family and friends busy women Central park red floral dress casual outfit french bulldog fashion blogger lifestyle blogger new york city NYC blogger11Balancing family and friends busy women Central park red floral dress casual outfit french bulldog fashion blogger lifestyle blogger new york city NYC blogger16

Dress | Boots (similar)| Hat

xo, Olivia

1 Comment

  1. That is seriously the cutest pup!

    Posted 9.1.16 · Reply

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