Feeling Blue + Little Life Update

Hope everyone is having a good start to the week.

I’ve been a little quite on Instagram stories. Sunday I woke up to some unfortunate news. My uncle passed away. He’s someone I’ve admired and respected my entire life. I considered him my grandpa. I’m typically not someone who has regret in my heart, but the last few days I’ve had a lot of it. While I was home in Kansas City last week, I planned on going over to his house and spending some time with him. He hasn’t met Sebastian and I haven’t seen him in over a year. Well, we didn’t end up getting over there. We got too busy doing other things and told ourselves that we’d go see him the next time I was in town (which will be in September). He didn’t make it to September. I apologize for such a somber post. As you know,  I’m typically a very upbeat and positive person, but I wanted to pass along the message — realize those moments and spend time with the ones you love, you never know how many more chances you will get.

Sebastian and I head back to Kansas City on Thursday. The last flight was a little rough, so I’m hoping this one will be a little easier.

xo, Olivia

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  1. Dana wrote:

    Sending you SO much love, Olivia! So sorry for your loss. xx

    Posted 8.1.17 · Reply
  2. Lydia Webb wrote:

    Olivia! I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    xoxo, Lydia

    Posted 8.1.17 · Reply
  3. Sarah wrote:

    I’m very sorry Olivia. That’s very hard news to take. When a family member passes away like this, you really get a slap on the face as to how you are prioritizing and allocating your time. This happened to me after my grandpa passed away. I give you my best, and I hope you get to spend some time with family.

    Posted 8.1.17 · Reply
  4. Shavonda wrote:

    I’m so so sorry for your loss Olivia. I know that feeling of regret all too well friend. May you be comforted by sweet and happy memories. Sending you lots of love and hugs during this difficult time.

    Posted 8.1.17 · Reply
  5. Myriam Andrade wrote:

    Dear Olivia,
    My condolences to you. I wish telling you how sorry can make you feel better, but it doesnt. Give your self time to heal and cry but know there are so many people that you have touched who are praying for you. Sending you lots of ❤️ and good, positive energy. May your dear uncle Reat In Peace?

    Posted 8.1.17 · Reply
  6. Heather wrote:

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I did the same thing to my uncle. I said to myself that I’d visit him “next time” not thinking that there would never be a next time. My condolences to you and your family.

    Posted 8.1.17 · Reply
  7. Krystya wrote:

    Hello Olivia,

    Grieving is natural and necessary but don’t allow regret to crush your sweet spirit. I’m sure this was the core of the deep relationship you had with your uncle, and his heart would probably hurt to see you so sad. Sending condolences and prayers to you and your family.

    Posted 8.1.17 · Reply
  8. Silje wrote:

    So sorry for your loss<3

    x Silje

    Posted 8.2.17 · Reply
  9. Michelle wrote:

    I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. And sharing this sad news doesn’t mean you aren’t positive or upbeat– it means you are human. We all are. Sending your family prayers and love. Hugs to you mama- Michelle

    Posted 8.2.17 · Reply

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