Our “Date Night” Here In New York City

This season we partnered with Rent The Runway and Bonobos on their “Bring Back Date Night” campaign. We thought it would be the perfect way share how we are spend our dates together. It’s also a great reason for the two of us to get dressed up!  We don’t do that nearly enough nowadays. So much has changed over the last few months with the arrival of Sebastian. The love and responsibility that Matt and I feel is overwhelming at times. It is really difficult to find the time to get away together but try to at least once a week. When we do get the chance, we are never gone very long as the image of Sebastian’s smile in our head speeds up our “date”. We rush back home to give him a bunch of hugs and kisses.

Before, our dates were the typical stuff; go to a new restaurant, meet friends for drinks, and go to a show. It has become a little more difficult since we need to find a sitter. Nowadays, we spend our time at the park, hit up a museum, grab coffee, or have a quick meal out. Anything to get out of the house together and just enjoy each other’s company. Of course, our favorite person to bring along with us for a low key morning or afternoon is Sebastian! On this day, we headed to Rockefeller center to check out the views. Even after 3.5 years of living here in the city, neither of us had ever experienced the Top of the Rock. It was so worth the wait! We didn’t know what to expect with the weather so we left Sebastian at home with our dear friend, Fallon. She is amazing and came over super early to watch him for us. Both of us have experienced the views from Empire State and World Trade so it was great to check Rockefeller off the list. The weather ended up being really nice actually, even for this time of year.

The elevator ride flew us up 67 floors and dropped us off into the the lobby of the observation deck. The views on each of the three levels have to be, in my opinion, the best in the city. Our favorite place in all of Manhattan is Central Park and you get such an incredible view of the whole thing. We snapped some photos, looked through the viewfinders, and soaked in the sun. Coming from the midwest and seeing these places on television growing up, it’s still pretty surreal to have it all in your backyard. We have to pinch ourselves every now and then and appreciate what we have. We had the nicest man ask us if we wanted a picture together and of course we said yes! Even though it didn’t quite turn out, (can you find it above?) it was a very sweet gesture. To his credit, he did a good job given the direct sun and shadows. Something we are all very aware of when it comes to getting the right shot.

After we came back down to earth, we headed home to get our little Sebastian and go have some coffee. He loves coming with us but always falls asleep as soon as he gets in the stroller. Can’t blame him, his bassinet looks ridiculously comfy. He has begun to cry when we leave the room or senses we aren’t around because he simply wants the attention. He will sit with us at the table and just listen to mommy and daddy talk. That is until he gets hungry and proceeds to remind us who’s the boss. Sitting in a coffee shop, feeding Sebastian, taking a walk around the block, and just hanging out are the things we have come to appreciate. They don’t get old and we look forward to each day like the last. I’m being mushy but love our little family and the simple things in life.

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xo, Olivia

This post was created in collaboration with Rent the Runway and Bonobos, as always, all words, opinions and photography are my own. 

1 Comment

  1. Fallon Carmichael wrote:

    Connecting after having a baby is so important! I should know… Joe and I don’t do it nearly enough ( like never)… but that will change VERY soon! Love these photos! You and Matt look amazing, but Sebastian steals the show at the end. I’m happy I played a small part is making your morning date a reality. Love you! xxo ps. That dress and coat from Rent the Runway are STUNNING!

    Posted 2.7.17 · Reply

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