The Most Popular Cafe in NYC at The Moment

NYC Coffee Break at Happy Bones in Denim Dress on Corporate Catwalk in Summer

A few weeks ago Matt and I woke up early to snap a few photos at Happy Bones in SoHo. It’s a trendy coffee spot to sit down, people watch and enjoy a cup of coffee.  Here are a few photos from our Saturday morning coffee break.


I promise not to make this a habit, but I wanted to give a few updates on my pregnancy. When I first got pregnant, I didn’t know what to expect. In all honestly, I expected to be on the bathroom floor every morning. When that wasn’t the case, I started to ask around and see what other women experienced throughout their pregnancies. The reality is that everyone is different and not everyone has the same experience.

So far, I’ve had a great pregnancy (jinx, knock on wood). When I was 3 weeks pregnant, I did experience an upset stomach for a fews days, but it quickly subsided. On my first doctor’s visit, my OBGYN scared me to pieces and told me I couldn’t work out because I could risk having a miscarriage. After talking to several people and reading articles online, I decided to see a highly recommend doctor at a prestigious hospital in NYC. At my 8 week visit, we had a long conversation about the DO’s and DON’Ts of pregnancy. She just shook her head in disappointment when I told her what the previous doctor said. She told me to keep working out, keep your normal routine, but be smart — along with a long list of other things, that I won’t go into here. Everyone’s pregnancy is different and it’s important to listen to your doctor. However, I will say, if you don’t feel comfortable with what your doctor is telling you, get a second opinion.

During the first few months, other than being really tired at the end of the day, I had a case of the “pregnancy brain”:)  At one point, I randomly put my purse in the refrigerator and I was becoming really forgetful. Thank goodness I haven’t experienced too much of that in the last few weeks, but we did have quite a few good laughs at the beginning. On the physical side, my breasts have been extremely sore throughout, which is uncomfortable when I wake up but by mid-morning the pain is gone. As for eating and drinking, I’ve had pregnancy cravings, but I know this doesn’t happen for everyone. Watermelon and Mexican food were my favorites things to eat in the first trimester, and ice cream and Italian food have been my cravings in the second. I drink twice as much water as I use to drink, so I’ve gotten really bored with drinking ice water. Recently, I picked up Crystal Light lemonade to add to my water and it’s helped to switch up my normal “water” routine. We’ve also made fresh watermelon juice, which is delicious. I’m trying my hardest to maintain a balance diet, but sometimes I just need to eat Shake Shack. When the third trimester arrives, I’ll let you know the cravings – it should be interesting!

It’s been a great experience to date and excited to see what will come next!

NYC Coffee Break at Happy Bones in Denim Dress on Corporate Catwalk in Summer

NYC Coffee Break at Happy Bones in Denim Dress on Corporate Catwalk in Summer

NYC Coffee Break at Happy Bones in Denim Dress on Corporate Catwalk in Summer

NYC Coffee Break at Happy Bones in Denim Dress on Corporate Catwalk in Summer

NYC Coffee Break at Happy Bones in Denim Dress on Corporate Catwalk in Summer

ASOS Dress non maternity | Zara Heels (similar here) | Henri Bendel Sunglasses | J.Crew Tote

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xo, Olivia



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