What I Miss Most About Working in Corporate America

Yesterday someone asked me if I was planning on returning to the corporate world. A question I honestly haven’t thought about in months. Rewind two years ago, and I was kind of in shock that I left corporate America to work on my blog full-time. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, but one of the scariest at the same time. A lot of people asked if I planned for six months, made sure all my ducks were in a row — I did none of that. I left when I knew it was the right time. 

With that being said, here are five unexpected things I miss about the corporate world.

The morning routine.

Yep. I love waking up and having a routine. Every. Single. Morning. I knew exactly what to expect. Very few surprises. I’d walk into the office, turn on my computer, grab a coffee and start the day. Routine is comforting. Things are a lot different. Every morning is different. We never know what to expect. As a Sagittarius, I’m spontaneous and love change, so I love the entrepreneur lifestyle, but a part of me loved the corporate routine.

My colleagues.

I worked with some of the smartest people in corporate America. I was always learning from someone. It was incredible. I certainly couldn’t run my business the way I run it without the knowledge I learned from my colleagues. That’s why I always stress to find a mentor at work. Always be learning. Take people’s knowledge and apply it in your own life. It’s priceless.

The Benefits.

This should probably be #1. Health Insurance, 401K, Stock Options, paid holidays, the list goes on. Working in Corporate, you have some amazing perks and they were things that kept me comfortable.


When I started my blog I knew I wanted to do this full-time and start my tech/fashion company. Right now I’m fine tuning my business plan. I’ll return to corporate but this time as an employer instead of an employee.

xo, Olivia

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  1. a) Lovely post. Something to be said about routine! Love hearing about your journey with blogging!
    b) You look AMAZING in orange! A surprisingly refreshing Spring look 🙂

    Posted 2.20.18 · Reply
  2. Navany wrote:

    Such a great read!

    Posted 2.21.18 · Reply
  3. Jasmine wrote:

    Loved the Corp. America post. I too recently (almost 2 years ago) left a cushy job to start my own business. I left the Oil & Gas industry to pursue my dream of becoming an interior designer. I have a young daughter so for me the flexibility of working for yourself provided many priceless opportunities that far exceed the value of some of perks that came with the corporate job. Loving and living those self-employment struggles and rewards daily. 🙂

    Posted 4.8.18 · Reply
  4. Annie C. wrote:

    Great article, Loved corporate america. Great perks and awesome colleagues! Really miss it.

    Posted 12.7.18 · Reply

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