Please Join Me in NYC for a PoshParty June 26th
Hello everyone! I’m back in New York [insert sad face]. We’re planning on taking our honeymoon over Thanksgiving…perhaps Paris and Amsterdam (time to start saving again). As for the wedding details, I cannot wait to share all the details! The last few days I’ve taken some time to unwind and get back in the hang of things. Considering I wanted to wear my swimsuit to work today, I think I’m still recovering from all the fun we had in Mexico! In a few weeks I’ll receive all the professional wedding photos and outfit pics I wore during the wedding celebration, so stay tuned. I’ll also continue to share tips and recommendations on wedding planning. I’m trying to convince my Maid of Honor to write a blog post on how to be the most amazing MOH. Without her, my wedding would have been a disaster!
Till then…I’d like to share an upcoming event in NYC hosted by my favorite app, POSHMARK! If you’re in the area next Thursday, June 26th I’d like to invite you to The Delancey to enjoy food, drinks and mingling with me and four other bloggers (Sarah, Martha, Jen and Naty) and the wonderful ladies of Poshmark! So mark your calendars and come join the fun!
When: Thursday, June 26th | 6:30-9:30
Where: The Delancey (168 Delancey Street) Main Floor
Don’t forget to RSVP by June 25th!
Be sure to download the Poshmark App, so you can see why I’m so excited to share this amazing app with my readers!
Next week I’ll also be sharing on my blog with you how I buy and sell on Poshmark. You’ll see why I’m always so excited to co-host this event.