Workweek Kickoff | Articles of Inspiration

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! I wanted to share a few articles from Mashable I read last night. There were a number of things I took from them that I thought were valuable to pass on. I know we all take it for granted, but it is truly amazing the endless amount of information we have at our fingertips. It is funny how you start reading online and then you see another article, and then you click here and then there, and where you end up is so far from your original destination.
Shop the Look Here
15 Business Ideas You Can Start Today
The main reason I’m sharing this is because of how many options we have if we are looking to go into business for ourselves. Now, I understand that all the options laid out here aren’t exactly what we may have in mind but anyone can own their own business. Take #2 Blogging for instance, there really is no barrier to entry. If you have a passion, enjoy writing, and dedicated to providing valuable content to your audience, your good to go! The first line is so true…”Starting a business today no longer requires months or market research and thousands of dollars to get started.” If you are ready…go for it!
Career Advice From Hollywood
I know, I cringed at the title too. However, it lays out advice we can all take to heart regardless of where we work or what we do. The one tip that really caught my eye was that leaders aren’t born, they are made. I agree with this wholeheartedly. I think the big thing here is that leadership skills are developed over time. Even if you don’t see yourself as a “leader” or “CEO”, that’s totally ok. But if you believe in yourself and continue to learn and develop, you will inherit the skills necessary to lead you to wherever you want to go.
Keeping Calm Under Stress
Stress is something we each deal with and we all have our own ways of handling it. It can be extremely overwhelming at times. I get stressed all the time but try to take a step back and figure it out. In the article, they say “Not every task is critical and not every mistake is fatal”. How perfect is that?! In the moment, we hardly think in those terms but if you think about it, this is so true. We only grow through trial and error, and with that comes mistakes. Lord knows I make mistakes everyday and I have a million tasks to get done, but everything works out. If we keep our eyes on the prize(whatever it is), leverage support from family, friends & co-workers, and keep our heart in the right place, we got this!
Have an amazing week everyone! If you read anything good this week, please share!

As for today’s look, the sheath dress from Ann Taylor has been a recent favorite, especially transitioning from summer to fall. Below are three other ways I’ve worn this dress, which I shared last week. I ordered a size up. The slit isn’t too high, therefore making it appropriate for most office settings. If you really like the dress, but thinking the slit is a few inches above dress code, you can either take it to a tailor or do it yourself. I’ve done this to many of my dresses and skirts, it’s easy and there are plenty of tutorials online.

Banana Republic Jacket (similar here & here) | Ann Taylor Dress | Valentino Pumps | Worth New York Bag (similar here & here)
xo, Olivia
Thank you for this post, it’s filled me with inspiration! I’m currently reading “The Million Dollar Blog”, a new release about how to make it in the blogging world. I’m so determined! xx
Thanks Dorothy! Great to hear. I’ll have to check it out!
Love that quote from the last article! Thanks for sharing that. It’s a good thing to keep in mind and I can think of so many examples from my own life where that was true. Also did you take these pictures on the UES? I think I recognize those mint green railings on the buildings from my ‘hood 🙂
🙂 Love the UES!
Love this look! That dress is perfect! Also, I’m loving this post and how you incorporated other ways to style the dress as well as those articles!
Pink Champagne Problems
Thanks Dana!
You look stunning!
Great post. Thanks for sharing!
Love the nude sandals in the middle picture. Can you please let me now who makes them? Thanks!