Weekend Style | Wearing Flats in the City

black and white outfit for the summer and wearing heels when you're under 5'2" in New York City

Any chance I get to wear heels, I’ll take it. My mom wore heels almost everyday and still to this day she wears her cute little heels anytime we go shopping or out to eat. After living in San Francisco and New York, I quickly learned that wearing heels all the time isn’t practical…especially when you’re taking public transportation. I save the cab rides for evening events or taking multiple photos with Lydia. Other than that, I walk or take the subway. None of this is really that important, but I’m known for wearing heels in most of my photos. If you’re wondering if I wear them all the time, I try to, except when commuting.  The trick is to always have an extra pair of shoes in your purse. I change my shoes around the corner from my destination. I wear heels because it makes me feel more confident. When I’m the shortest person in the crowd by four or fives inches, it makes me feel uncomfortable and really insecure. The purse trick has saved me a few times!

Here’s a look I wore last weekend while running errands in the city. I know the Valentino heels don’t fit everyone’s budget, but they’re a pair of flats that I love wearing. If you’re in the same boat as me when it comes to wearing flats, here are are a few of my favorite flats that you can put in a dust bag and carry in your tote:

black and white outfit for the summer and wearing heels when you're under 5'2" in New York City

black and white outfit for the summer and wearing heels when you're under 5'2" in New York City
black and white outfit for the summer and wearing heels when you're under 5'2" in New York City
black and white outfit for the summer and wearing heels when you're under 5'2" in New York City
black and white outfit for the summer and wearing heels when you're under 5'2" in New York City
black and white outfit for the summer and wearing heels when you're under 5'2" in New York City

Shopbop Top | AG Sateen Denim | Valentino Flats (consignment options here) | Chloe Bag | Nordstrom Sunglasses

xo, Olivia

Photos by Lydia Hudgens




  1. I adore that bag! So feminine and fun!

    Posted 6.10.16 · Reply
  2. Dana wrote:

    I hear you! The heel swapping is a lifesaver. Love your top here too!!

    Posted 6.10.16 · Reply
    • Dana, you know the struggle! LOL. I got the top in blue, kind of in love!

      Posted 6.15.16 · Reply
  3. Nelsida Rosina wrote:

    Great outfit Olivia, you look great! I was wondering about your heels, ha! I love heels myself as I only stand at 5’3″. Thank you for the tip for heel swapping :0)

    Posted 6.10.16 · Reply
    • I try and wear them as much as possible, but running down the stairs in heels to catch the subway is just dangerous! hehe. Yea, I always have an extra pair of shoes with me!

      Posted 6.15.16 · Reply
  4. S wrote:

    Did the RSS for this blog get disabled? I just realized it hasn’t shown up in my feed for almost 2 months!

    Posted 6.12.16 · Reply
    • Yes! When I changed over my blog to the new URL, I didn’t activate the previous feeds. Is it showing up now? If not, I’ll look into it! Thank you for your comment!

      Posted 6.15.16 · Reply
      • S wrote:

        Nope, still nothing. (I use Feedly, if that matters at all)

        Posted 6.16.16 · Reply

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