Early Results: Skincare with Jane Iredale
When you’re busy it can feel like the list of things to take care of never seems to end. There’s, of course, your child, spouse, and work. Then there are all of the little things throughout the day. There’s the laundry, the dishes, the bills, etc. It’s hard to remember to put yourself on the list. There’s a lot of pressure to fit so many things into such a short period of time every day.

Personal Goals
One of the things I told myself I would do in 2018 was to take better care of myself through what I put into my body. I wanted to do this for my health and my skin. My mom has beautiful skin. She makes a point to take care of herself. Instead of following her example, I kind of took that for granted in my 20s, especially my late 20s. I didn’t really use the lotions, eye creams, and other products like I probably should have been.
Even now knowing all of this, I still find myself doing that. Monday night this just happened. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in other things and to skip a step or get tired of putting on this serum or that cream. It’s even easier to want to skip these steps in the mornings some days. It’s not that these things aren’t important. It just gets tricky when there’s so much competition for your time and resources.
This is where jane iredale has really made a difference for me. It has now been a little over a month since I began my partnership with jane iredale using The Skincare Supplements manufactured by the Advanced Nutrition Programme. My regimen of Skin Complete consists of two pills I take on a daily basis. The first pill in the Skin Complete duo pack is Skin Antioxidant. It helps the skin defend itself against damage that causes signs of premature aging. Our skin can age quickly without proper treatment. Antioxidants protect skin against free radicals often caused by UV rays and environmental pollutants. The second one is Skin Vitamin A. It contains both vitamins A and D. Vitamin A has many benefits including balancing the oil and moisture in your skin. It also aids in normal cell production and cell repair throughout the body, boosts your skin’s immunity, helps prevent collagen breakdown, and protects from sun damage. Whereas vitamin D optimizes the skin’s immunity and destroys free radicals.
I don’t have to carve out the extra time. It’s not another demand on my schedule. I have been so good about taking my vitamins every single day. I put them right on my desk so as soon as I sit down they’re right there.

I’ve already started to notice some changes. Usually, in the winter I get super dry skin. Whenever I go to a dermatologist or get a facial they make comments about my skin being dry. These harsh New York City winters haven’t been helping either! Lately, I feel like my skin has started producing more oil and feels more supple. I don’t know if you guys are noticing it but I’ve even started seeing it in pictures.
I think focusing on the foods I’m putting into my body and taking the supplements from jane iredale are making a difference. I’m seeing the differences even if I miss a step or two with a cleanser or serum by taking care of my skin from within. I can’t wait to check in with you guys next month.
There were a few questions that I wanted to make sure I got answered during this process. As with most supplements, we typically don’t anticipate seeing results right away. So, if I was going to add something else to my typical routine, I wanted to make sure that I knew how I would measure its success. Here are three of the things I needed to find out…

How easy is it to stay on track?
It’s easy. This one is actually really up to you, the user. As with most us, I am busy and have my daily routine in place. Anything that is looking to get added, it is typically replacing something else. We only have so much time in the day, so adding more time to my skincare routine wasn’t exciting. However, it doesn’t take any time. I take the two pills with my glass of water in the morning and go get Sebastian ready for school.
Does it make my skin feel replenished?
You know that feeling in the winter time when your skin gets dry and you are layering on lotion to try and lock in moisture. It’s tough and might I say, exhausting. Cold, dry air is not our skin’s friend. In just the short amount of time I have been taking The Skincare Supplements, my skin feels different, in a good way. It’s hard to explain but I can tell my skin is moisturized even before I add my favorite topical lotions. They are working from the inside out to keep my skin moisturized. We are only just beginning, so this was really cool.
Am I able to notice a difference in my skin?
I am beginning to. We all tend to have some blemishes on our skin and we use a variety of products to help alleviate these. I have begun to notice they are slowly starting to fade. Matt actually mentioned to me that he loves that I am not wearing as much makeup as I usually do. He is a sweetie. I obviously still wear makeup but I’ve noticed that I can get away with not wearing as much on a daily basis because my skin just feels and looks healthier. Now, if only they got rid of freckles!
I am really excited to see what happens over the course of the next month or so to see what additional benefits I experience with my skin. We are off a great start. If you haven’t taken a minute to check out the collection, do it. If you are a skeptic like me when it comes to supplements then you might not be anxious to jump right in. However, simply based on results in such a short period of time, I would strongly recommend visiting the site and taking the quiz to see what your skincare supplement solution is. Even if it’s only to gain more knowledge on what they do, it’s worth it. Be sure and let me know if you have any questions! Thanks so much for reading!
xo, Olivia
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